Grade 5 and 6 Engineering

HOME AUTOMATION WITH Artificial Intelligence (AI) (Lesson 2 of 4)

LI: To develop an understanding of the role AI could play in the average home


I can identify how my floor plan used AI in the design

I can apply my understanding of AI Technology to create a model

I can create a model of an AI house or room based on my floor plan

I can reflect on the most effective aspects of my AI creation

There are many examples of Artificial Intelligence in our current society, some examples include:

  • Siri and other voice command systems on SMART Devices

  • Automatic breaking systems controlled by AI systems installed in Modern Cars

  • AI monitoring online shopping habits to target people with advertising

  • Some automated systems in houses

TASK: Creation of an AI House

(This can only be completed once the first lesson has been completed - see the technology lesson)

Using the original design you created in the previous lesson, you are to create a model of at least one room in the house. You can use any materials you have available at home.

You may include aspects of the following:

  • An AI system that may include some of your ideas in the previous floor plan

  • Interactive elements such as lights that turn on or off using a remote control

  • Automated systems

  • Voice activated smart devices

  • Please feel free to take pictures, make a video or make the creation to be displayed in the STEAM Room when we return to school