Prep (2.0) Week 8 PE

Welcome to your week 8 Physical Education lesson.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to email me at:

I will respond as soon as possible and if required we can schedule a teams conference to discuss face to face.

I will also be holding a weekly sharing session for all Prep learners on Thursday's between 12.30-1.30pm for 10 minutes per class.

Prep A - 12.30, Prep B - 12.40, Prep C - 12.55, Prep D - 1.05, Prep E - 1.15


This warm up is the same for all year levels so if you have siblings you can do your warm up together!

Maybe even get your parents to join in!


Mini Lesson Week 8

Learning Task: Simon Says

Purpose: To develop an awareness of beginning to understand how to control a ball using only your feet.

Aim: To play Simon Says following the commands to develop your ability to control the ball with your feet.

List of the commands for the game:

  • Squeeze the ball between your feet.

  • Roll the ball around using your right/left foot.

  • Tap the ball from side to side.

  • Stop the ball with your right/left foot.

  • Alternate feet tapping on top of the ball.

Learning Task: Rebound Kicks

Purpose: To develop an awareness of how to kick a ball using the inside of your foot.

Aim: To use the inside of your foot to accurately aim the ball to your target.

Things to focus on:

  • Keep your eyes on the ball throughout the kick.

  • Use the inside of your feet, not the tip of your toes.

  • Swing your leg towards your target.

Learning Task: Soccer Obstacle Course

Purpose: To apply all the different soccer skills learnt and work to adapt your skills and develop control and accuracy.

Aim: To move the ball around a course using only your feet to control the ball through the different obstacles and kick a goal.

Things to focus on:

  • Keep your eyes on the ball.

  • Think about the technique for different skills such as, stopping the ball, dribbling, short and longer kicks.

  • Make sure you don't use the tip of your foot to kick the ball.


What have you found challenging with the soccer skills?

How can you improve your accuracy and control?