Week 1 EAL Learning

Welcome to the Year 3 EAL page!

This is where you will find your EAL learning for Week 1. Please remember to upload your learning onto SeeSaw.

Have an extraordinary week of learning, we look forward to seeing you in Week 2!

Week 1 Learning Timetable

Below you will find a Weekly Planner. Each child is different and has diverse needs, below is an outline of a possible structure for each day. This outline is a suggestion and can be spread out as per the needs of individual families.

Week 1 Timetable

Suggested Learning Times

· Literacy: 45-60 minutes

· Numeracy: 30-45 minutes

· Physical activities: 30 minutes

· Additional curriculum areas: 90 minutes

Please find Daily Learning Slides below!

EAL Monday the 5th of October
EAL Tuesday 6th of October
EAL Wednesday 7th of October
EAL Thursday 8th of October
EAL Friday 9th of October

Here you will find the resources for Week 1

Please find additional learning experiences below.

EAL Learning

Physical Education Activities

Home Page