SURF - How to support my child.

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Support your child's learning by giving them opportunities to discuss and engage in maths. Your child will begin to connect the importance of maths with everyday activities. Including navigating public transport, choosing the best item to buy, budgeting, and cooking.

Talk positively about maths so your child also values it. If your experiences in maths at school were less than ideal, avoid making comments like “I was bad at maths at school”. Comments like these can lower your child’s expectations of themselves. They can also perpetuate myths about people being good or bad at maths.

If you did well at maths in school, avoid jumping in with answers or solutions. Encourage your child to talk about how they might work out maths problems. This helps boost their confidence and deepens their understanding.

Maths today is curiosity, creating thinking and connection. Today, the focus is on recognising that there are many ways to get an number. Rather, it is important to be able to explain how and why you chose the approach you did.

There are many activities you can do at home to help explore maths with your child. When participating in these activities, avoid associating them with speed. Expecting your child to work quickly on maths can cause maths anxiety. Try to focus on the process and not the outcome.

Ask your child questions like;

What is your struggle?

How did you find that number?

What could be your next step?

Can you connect this problem with a previous one?

Tell more more about your misconception....

I look forward to hearing about your child's maths learning at home, please email me to share celebrations or direct any further questions to

Trish Singh
Learning Specialist - Student Engagement and Pedagogy
Mathematics Curriculum Leader