PE Year 3 and 4 Week 10

Welcome to your week 10 Physical Education lesson.

Please view the videos below to help you understand everything you need to know for your weekly PE lesson.

If you have any PE questions, please contact me via email -

I would love to hear from you and am more than happy to help.

This weeks PE lesson looks a little different to previous weeks, with a focus on you and your families overall health and well-being. The PE teachers have put together a range of tasks and activities for you to complete during week 10 and throughout the holidays to help ensure you are staying fit, healthy and active!

We hope you enjoy the different learning tasks we have suggested and look forward to hearing lots of stories after the holiday break.

There are 3 sections:

  • Ideas to get active as a family

  • Healthy eating ideas

  • More ideas to stay active in the holidays

Ideas to get active as a family!

Choose 1 or 2 activities to try today for your PE lesson. You can then use these ideas to stay active throughout the school holidays if you like!

Warm up with your Latrobe House Captain, Gabriel!


Plastic Cup Long Jump!

  • You will need some plastic cups (20 plus) or something similar e.g. tins of food or bottles.

  • Ensure you have enough space to line up cups side by side in a line, as you increase through your competition.

  • Start with one cup. Using the technique of the long jump: run up, take off your strongest leg, clear the cup and land on two feet in the motorbike landing position. When you clear one, more onto two cups, then three etc.

  • How many cups can you jump over?

Foot Golf!

  • Use 5 objects and place them around your house or outdoor area. These will be your ‘holes’ in your foot golf course.

  • Place your ball at a starting line 10 (or more) steps away from your ‘hole’.

  • Kick towards the ‘hole’. If you hit the target on the first kick, you get a ‘hole in one’! IF you didn’t hit the target, wait until the object stops moving. Then take your second kick from where the ball stops. Continue until you hit the target.

  • Write down the number of kicks it takes you to hit the target.

  • Move onto the next ‘hole’ and repeat. Add up your score for all the holes.

Classic Catches!

  • Find a ball to use and stand in the middle of an open space.

  • Practice some of these classic catches challenges!

o Throw the ball up and then perform one of these tricks before you catch - touch your knees or toes, clap, do a star jump (or 5!), squat, jump and turn

o Underarm throw a ball at a wall and catch it off the bounce – throw harder and on angles to make the catches more difficult!

o Do you have a family member who can underarm throw the ball to you to the side, up high or down low?

Healthy Eating Ideas!

Being aware of what sort of foods we should be eating more/less of is important for keeping our bodies healthy.

This site: has some fantastic information about Healthy Food Choices and also has some great recipes you might like to try.

Healthy Eating Lesson

Using the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating diagram below, see if you can work out which section the foods you eat today fall into.

For example:

Breakfast: Eggs on toast........ Eggs - Blue section, Toast - Orange section, Butter (on the toast) - outside the circle (use small amounts)

Snack: Banana - Light Green section

Lunch: Ham and salad wrap......... Ham - blue section, Wrap - Orange section, Salad - Dark Green section

Click on the image to take you to the site for a larger image.

Cooking Time

Plan and cook a healthy lunch for your family.

  1. Find a recipe. You may like to choose one from this website or one of your own:

  2. List all the ingredients you will need and see what you may need to get Mum/Dad to buy.

  3. Plan a time with your family to make your recipe.

  4. Reflection: What did you like about what you cooked? Was it all healthy ingredients? Would you make it again?

More ideas for the Holidays

Holiday Fitness Log

Complete a fitness log with your whole family. Choose some different skills/movements that you would like to include and see how your fitness improves over the holidays.

Planking Challenge

Who can hold the plank position for the longest in your family?

How far have you travelled?

Record how far you walk/run/ride each day and keep a tally of how many kilometres you have gone.

You may even like to draw on a map the different routes you have taken on your