Collin Caldito

Collin Caldito is a junior at DDHS and this is his first year as a journalism student. He is hoping to improve his writing as much as he can so he can go write his own stories. Collin is a very motivated person. He is currently trying to take any class that can help improve his writing so he can become a good videogame designer, because the kind of game he wants to make is one with a lot of story. He was born on Guam, an island near the Philippines, and throughout his childhood he and his family did a lot of traveling, but finally settled down in Oregon. He has been to nine states and two countries. In his free time he enjoys playing video games and hanging out with his friends. A few other things he loves to do is swim and take photos. A quote that Collin thinks everyone should realize is true is, "The more you fail the closer you are to success." - Luis Gouveia.

Stories and columns by Collin