Business as usual as new school year gets started—sort of

Posted Sept. 28, 2021

By Daryna Bosyuk

Staff Editor

The school district welcomed students back to all its campuses for the 2021-22 school year on Sept. 7-9.

Teachers have uploaded their syllabi onto a website for parents to access instead of doing a normal Back-to-School Night. This school year has new safety precautions, rules, and standards concerning educational instructors, students, staff, building operations, classrooms, and cafeterias. Staff, volunteers, visitors, and students are required to wear masks regardless of their vaccination status, unless there’s a documented accommodation from a medical provider. Masks and hand sanitizer are available in the hallways and in the classrooms for students. Each occupied classroom is disinfected daily per operational blueprint. Restrooms, doorknobs, and isolation rooms are disinfected three times a day by custodial staff.

OHA considers it to be a significant exposure if two people were within three feet of each other for at least 15 minutes. If a student has any symptoms, they will be sent to the health office. If they’re experiencing a primary symptom and two secondary symptoms, a K95 mask will be placed on the student. A Covid-19 test will be provided if written permission is granted by parent or a student consents to signing (15 years old or older). Parent/guardian may be contacted to pick up the student.

Students are placed in seating charts in each classroom to limit the number of people needing to quarantine in case of a positive Covid case. In case a student needs to quarantine, they will remain learning through Google classroom with instructions from the teachers. In case a teacher needs to quarantine, they will have a substitute teacher teach their class while they’re in quarantine. If both students and a teacher need to quarantine, they will move into online learning. There will be a substitute teacher in the classroom for the remaining students. If the entire school will need to go into quarantine, all learning will be through CDL. The CCT (Coordinated Care Team) works with building partners to provide support for students and families.

The Communicable Disease team, made up of MESD and Multnomah County health Department, gives guidance on procedures and quarantine protocol. All guidance is given by them in accordance with the OHA.

Each student should have their own Chromebook checked out to them. As some Chromebook weren’t returned by previous students last year, the district ordered 2000 more Chromebooks in July, which arrived two weeks ago. Elementary students have enough Chromebook for 1:1, and the middle school supply was completed last week. The tech team is working on setting up the Chromebooks for high school students. Distribution of the new Chromebook took place last week. If a student still doesn’t have a Chromebook, they should visit the North front office. The district will receive new Chromebook for 3-5 grade students as part of the Growth and Replacement plan in October.

Lunches take place as part of the normal schedule. Students are strongly recommended to eat outside. There are additional spots open to eating around the campus, like the east balcony of the north gym. The cafeteria tables all have red stickers instructing students where they may sit, maintaining a 3 feet distance, with a maximum of 4 people on a single table.

Air purifier units in each classroom are checked every three months, changed every six months, while HVAC filters are checked monthly and changed every three to six months. The HVAC filters are programmed to run with high levels of outside air coming inside.

During the instructional day, visitors and volunteers won’t be permitted on a regular basis. The school building will be used for sports, sporting activities, and practices following all safety guidelines.

Bus attendance is also tracked and seats are assigned in case of an outbreak .