District loses internet for more than eight hours

Image courtesy San Francisco News

Posted March 8, 2022

By Natalie Hebert

Staff Editor

All the schools within the David Douglas school district lost internet the night of March 2 through the morning of March 3.

The district IT department was informed that a fiber line had disconnected on the night of March 2 between Multnomah Education Service District and the David Douglas School District.

“[It] impacted wireless controllers and landline phone service across the whole district,” said district hardware/software technician Tom Pickering.

At the school level this resulted in desk phones not functioning and devices being unable to connect to district wireless networks. The school district’s network infrastructure is managed at the county level by Multnomah Education Service District. Service was restored district wide at approximately 7:25 a.m., March 3.

“As for the nature of the outage and the repair work, that I don't know,” said Pickering.

Impacts to the Multnomah Education Service District’s infrastructure are rare as they have backup systems in-place.

“Given how much of an effect this had at our schools, they will work to improve failover, a fancy tech term for the ability of a system to seamlessly switch to a backup in the event of failure,” said Pickering.

“Given how much of an effect this had at our schools, they will work to improve failover, a fancy tech term for the ability of a system to seamlessly switch to a backup in the event of failure.”

- District hardware/software technician Tom Pickering