The places I feel safe at being attacked is heartbreaking

"Many mosques are still being terrorized in modern day. The majority of people don’t understand what’s going on. Due to how serious it is, they should be acknowledged. Many people have lost their lives and other continue to because of others opinions on Islam without knowing that it is one of the most peaceful religion."

Posted Feb. 17, 2022

By Huda Aden

Staff Reporter

Mosques all over the world are being terrorized. And as a Muslim seeing the places I feel safe at being attacked is heartbreaking.

Oct 8, 2021: A Mosque in Afghanistan, Bibi Fatima, was blown up by a suicide bomber that killed nearly 50 and injured more than 140 during Friday prayer. Relatives laid the bodies of the victims to rest and called on the Taliban to protect them. Friday’s attack was the deadliest to strike since the dramatic U.S. exit from the country. One explosive detonated at the entrance of the mosque and the other inside.

“We take all threats of this nature seriously and we are working closely with our muslim coummnity,” Canterbury district commander superintendt John Price stated.

Oct. 31, 2021: Two Houthi missiles attacked a mosque and religious school, killing and injuring 29 civilians in Yemen, Marib, including women and children. The Mosque was overcrowded with families that had fled fierce fighting elsewhere in Jawba. Two children were among the 12 killed in the Houthi missile attack

Oct 25, 2021: 18 worshippers were shot dead at a mosque in Nigeria by a gunman during early morning prayers, The attack took place in Mazakuka Village.

“The gunman came around the mosque and started shooting them,” said Alhassam Isah, chairman of Mashegu.

The attackers believed to be ethnic nomadic herders were able to escape. Similar ethnic violence has led to hundreds of deaths so far this year.

Sept 11, 2021: A sign was found at the Islamic Center Of Greater Austin, it was staked at the front entrance of the mosque the sign read, “Muslims: You are as unclean to God as a pig is to you. Have your idolatry washed clean by the blood of Jesus Christ.” The members of the mosques weren’t surprised to find this since they were getting threats such as people saying they were going to burn down the mosque and destroy it.

Many mosques are still being terrorized in modern day. The majority of people don’t understand what’s going on. Due to how serious it is, they should be acknowledged. Many people have lost their lives and other continue to because of others opinions on Islam without knowing that it is one of the most peaceful religion.