What impact do you think social media has on a teen’s mental health?

Ray Matlock, Cathedral City, CA

“I think it has a huge impact on teenagers and their mental health. Much of what is said on social media is not true or factual. They are basically opinions that are many times not backed up with facts. Teens are left confused as to what is right, wrong or true. I go with this quote I heard years ago, 'Always listen to your heart because even though it’s on your left side, it’s always right.'” - The Notebook”

Jamie Peterson, Portland, OR

“Social media impacts teens mental health by setting an unrealistic standard. Many people online only share positive and happy things & sometimes those are exaggerated, too.”

Peter Nguyen, Portland, OR

"I’m a PR professional (DDHS Class of 2000). Some studies show moderate increase in depressive symptoms and other mental health related issues. Others show only anecdotal influence. Regardless, the availability and amount of information available to people is sudden, unprecedented, and rapidly changing. We hardly understand this technology’s impact on individuals and societywe’d be prudent to use it conservatively, intentionally, and with a critical eye."

Joel Smith, Portland, OR

The obvious answer is hella negative impact, but to be honest, I have really bad mental health and social anxiety. I find excuses to dodge phone calls and ways out of a social event. The message board style of Twitter and FB is a nice, low-intensity, not time-sensitive way to get the social contact I need. Would it be BETTER if my brain worked normally and I did phone calls and saw people? Sure. But alas, reality isn't always ideal.

Connor Satterfield, Portland, OR

"I think it has a largely negative effect. It encourages people to create perfect versions of themselves that they can't live up to."

Aminah Ali, Portland, OR

"I am thankful for social media, especially in a global pandemic. People, young and old, are able to have SOME semblance of social exchange in this crazy time. Social media is like anything else that people consume, in that it can be helpful or hurtful, depending on one’s choices. I refuse to demonize how our communication has evolved."

Gregory Heaton, Los Angeles, CA

"Based on my experience? Apocalyptic."

Nancy Rook, Norfolk, VA

"What impact? Like positive, negative? I think it can be both. Teens have a phone as an appendage nowadays so they have a need to check into all of the sites. There are those who can balance life and electronics, while other's realities is steeped in an app."