Smart offensive decisions and strong defense allowed girls’ basketball to win the battles and beat the Nelson Hawks at home, 47-41, on Jan. 17. Photo courtesy girls' basketball team.

Smart playmaking leads to 47-41 girls' basketball win

Posted Jan. 26, 2022

By Ethan Donahue

Staff Editor

Smart offensive decisions and strong defense allowed girls’ basketball to win the small battles and beat the Nelson Hawks at home, 47-41, on Jan. 17.

The game started with a Hawk’s lay-up. The first Douglas point was a 3-pointer. The Hawks scored another lay-up, then the Scots made a lay-up. Nelson scored its first 3-pointer, giving them a 1-point lead, 8-9. The last basket of the quarter was a 3-pointer, the quarter ending 11-9.

The second quarter started with a Nelson lay-up, making the score 11-16. Douglas’ first basket of the quarter was a 3-pointer followed by two lay-ups. The Hawks then made a lay-up. Their last basket was a jump shot, the score 22-20, Douglas.

The third period started with a Hawks' jump-shot. The Scots responded, making the score 26-22. Nelson tied the score 26-26 then took the lead with a jump-shot, but Douglas tied it back up with a rebound. The Hawks made a jump-shot, then the Scots made a 3-pointer, taking the lead, 31-30. The Hawks’ last basket tied the game, 31-31. The quarter ended 32-31.

The last quarter started with a Nelson lay-up. Douglas’ first basket was a jump-shot, then the Scots made a lay-up, giving Douglas the lead, 36-33. The Hawks made a jump-shot and Douglas made a lay-up, the score now 43-39. The game ended, 47-41, David Douglas.

“The game against Nelson was a battle the entire 32 minutes as a team we did all the little things we needed to in order to pull out a win,” said coach Heather Marshall. “We out rebounded them, made good offensive decisions, and played great defense. I am proud of how everyone showed up that night.”