Masks now optional in all district buildings and buses

Posted March 15, 2022

By Ethan Donahue

Staff Reporter

The mask mandate is now optional for all students, faculty, and visitors in all DDSD buildings and buses, as of March 14.

Oregon’s mask mandate was lifted March 12 and by March 14 many school districts followed suit. DDSD was one of those districts. After the school board took public testimony, both written and verbal on March 10, it decided to follow the CDC recommendations to make indoor mask-wearing optional.

“This was not an easy decision,” stated a DDSD public statement. “We understand that feelings about mask mandates vary widely person to person and that many people feel very strongly about the issue. We want to be clear that the David Douglas School District is committed to creating and maintaining a culture of acceptance and respect for each individual’s choice to wear a mask or not.”

Masks will still be required on Oregon public transportation, in health care settings such as hospitals and doctors' offices, and in some businesses.