Boys' basketball crushes Nelson Hawks, 80-53

“Everyone was locked in on their defensive assignments, and we took care of the ball on offense,” said coach Chad Reeves. “Jayvanni Sarchi had his best game of the year with 23 pts and 11 rebounds.” Photo by Ethan Donahue

Posted Jan. 20, 2022

By Ethan Donahue

Staff Editor

The boys' basketball team had a crushing victory against the Nelson Hawks, the final score being 80-53, due to constant defense and strong offensive teamwork on Jan. 17, 2022.

The game started off with a 3-pointer from senior 6-foot-2 forward Jamaree Collins, which was quickly followed by a lay-up and penalty shot from senior 6-foot-3 forward Jay-Vanni Sarchi making the score 6-0. The Hawks’ first points on the board were from a lay-up. Sarchi then made a 3-pointer and also two penalty shots, putting the Scots in an 11-2 lead. Senior 6-foot guard Josiah Collins also made two penalty shots directly afterward. This was followed by a lay-up from Jamaree Collins. The Nelson Hawks then made two rebounds, making the score 15-9 with the Scots in the lead. Sarchi made a rebound shot which was followed by three baskets from Josiah Collins, putting the Scots in an eleven-point lead 24-13. The last Hawks’ point was a three-pointer. Senior 6-foot-2 wing Kenan Osmic made a lay-up which was followed by another lay-up from Jamaree Collins. The period ended with the Scots winning 28-16.

The second quarter started with a Hawks rebound which was quickly followed by a Hawks lay-up. The first Scots points this quarter were made by a Josiah Collins lay-up. Sarchi then made back-to-back lay-ups giving the Scots a lead, 34-20. The Hawks made a 3-pointer. Junior 6-foot-3 wing David Alderton made two penalty shots bringing the score to 36-25. Junior 5-foot-9 guard Fernando De La Torre made a lay-up which was followed by the last Scots basket which was a three-pointer made by junior 5-foot-9 guard Carlens Ostin. The last point of the quarter was a Hawks three-pointer, the score was 44-28.

The third period started with a Hawks lay-up. Josiah Collins made the first Scots basket with a lay-up. Alderton made a three-pointer which was followed by a lay-up from Josiah Collins. Sarchi then made a jump-shot giving the Scots a lead of 22 points, 54-32. The Hawks then made a lay-up. Torre then made one penalty shot which was followed by a lay-up by Josiah Collins. Ostin and Alderton made two lay-ups in quick succession, leading the score to be 63-38. The final Hawks basket was a penalty shot. Senior 5-foot-7 guard Jahmeir Bass made the last Scots points of the period, the score being 65-40 Scots.

The final period started off with a jump shot from Bass. A 3-pointer from the Hawks was quickly followed by a Hawks lay-up and penalty shot. Ostin then made a three-pointer and a lay-up putting the score at 72-49. A Hawks three-pointer was followed by four baskets by Bass, the Scots in a 20 point lead. The final Hawks baster was a single penalty shot. The final Scots basket was a buzzer beating three-pointer made by Ostin. The Scots won the game 80-53.

“Everyone was locked in on their defensive assignments, and we took care of the ball on offense,” said coach Chad Reeves. “Jayvanni Sarchi had his best game of the year with 23 pts and 11 rebounds.”