Final phase: Reflection


Activity 7 (in pairs)

Activity 8 (in pairs)

Now you write! (in pairs)

A. We plan:

1) Which place (attraction, museum, building, hotel, etc.) will you review?

2) Select pictures of this place. Scan them or download them from the Internet and save them in your computer.

3) Select a picture for your reviewer identity: an avatar, animal, your face… Scan or download them from the Internet and save them in your computer.

4) Set readers in context:

5) Mention some characteristics. Use the tables below.

6) Mention what you did there. Write brief notes in the space below.

B. We write:

7) Write all the information in 2) as an Introduction to your review:

8) Is your evaluation positive? Negative? Use the information in 3) and 4) to write positive or negative words about the place and what you did there. Look at the examples.

9) Use should, shouldn’t, must, mustn’t and have to in order to advice, strongly recommend or direct readers to visit or not to visit the place.

10) Write a brief conclusion: How was your experience in general? Will you come back?

C. Put all the information together in this template and revise your writing.

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