Chinavia punctatorugosa (Stål)

Rhaphigaster punctato-rugosus Stål, 1859: 437.

Nezara horvathi Bergroth, 1903: 289–290 (synonymized by Linnavuori 1972).

Coloration. Predominantly green, with strong yellow puctation across the dorsal part. The lateral margins of juga and pronotum are black, followed by a red band. Apex of scutellum yellow. Connexivum red and urosternites black. Black macula in the posterolateral angles of connexivum and urosternite. Head. Margins of juga with a slight concavity in front of eyes, apex of head large and semicircular. Proportion of antennal segments. I<II<III<IV>V. Rostrum reaches the metacoxae. Proportion of rostral segments. I<II>III>IV. Thorax. Anterolateral margins of pronotum with a submarginal dorsal depression. Hemelytra with costal angles slightly obtuse. Membranal suture convex. Abdomen. Medial spine of third urosternite reaches mesocoxae. Spiracles green surrounded by a yellow callus.

Distribution. Nigeria, Central African Republic, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Congo, Gabon.

Host plants. No information available.