Chinavia herbida (Stål)

Rhaphigaster herbidus Stål, 1859: 229.

Coloration. Predominatly green. Median longitudinal strip and scutellum apex with yellow coloration. The lateral margins of juga and pronotum are black or yellow, followed by a green band. Connexivum yellow and urosternite black. Black macula covering the posterior portion of urosternite and connexivum. Head. Margins of juga with a slight concavity in front of eyes, apex of head large and semicircular. Proportion of antennal segments. I<II<III<IV>V. The rostrum reaches the metacoxae. Proportion of rostral segments: I<II>III>IV. Thorax. Anterolateral margins of pronotum with a submarginal dorsal depression. Hemelytra with costal angles slighty obtuse. Membranal suture convex. Abdomen. Medial spine of the third urosternite reaches the metacoxae. Spiracles are green.

Distribution. Argentina (CB, SL, PBA*, RN, CH).

Families of plants as possible hosts. Aquifoliaceae (Quintanilla et al. 1981; Schwertner & Grazia 2007), Asteraceae (Quintanilla et al. 1981; Schwertner & Grazia 2007), Cucurbitaceae (Quintanilla et al. 1981; Schwertner & Grazia 2007), Fabaceae (Quintanilla et al. 1981; Schwertner & Grazia 2007).

Comments. The presence of a longitudinal median range in the scutellum with yellow coloration and the apex of the scutellum yellow, and the black macula covering the posterior portion of urosternite and connexivum are diagnostic.

*Records in Buenos Aires and Chubut from Dellapé et al. 2015.