Chinavia pennsylvanica (Palisot de Beauvois)

Pentatoma pennsylvanica Palisot de Beauvois, 1805: 186, fig. 5.

Pentatoma abrupta Say, 1831: 6 (synonymized by Uhler 1871).

Rhaphigaster parnisus Dallas, 1851: 279 (synonymized by Uhler 1886).

Coloration. Completely green. Scutellum with four irregular yellow dots on the basis. Connexivum and urosternites green. Black macula in the posterolateral angles of connexivum and urosternites. Head. Margins of juga with a slight concavity in front of eyes, apex of head large and semicircular. Proportion of antennal segments. I<II>III≈IV>V. Rostrum reaches the mesocoxae. Proportion of rostral segments. I<II>III>IV. Thorax. Anterolateral margins of pronotum with a submarginal dorsal depression. Presence of black callus near humeral angle. Hemelytra with costal angles slightly obtuse. Membranal suture convex. Abdomen. Connexivum most exposed Medial spine of third urosternite reaches the metacoxae. Spiracles black surrounded by a yellow callus.

Distribution. Canada, United States (MN*, NY, MI*, MA, PA, CT*, NJ, MD, CO, VA, SC, AL, GA, FL).

Families of plants as possible hosts. Rhamnaceae (Torre-Bueno 1939).

Comments. Species well characteristic of the wider abdomen, having the connexivum most exposed, and by the laterally broader head.

*Records in Michigan, Minnesota and Connecticut from Koch et al. 2018, O'Donnell and Schaefer 2018, Swanson 2018