Chinavia abnormis (Berg)

Nezara abnormis Berg, 1892: 7–8.

Coloration. Predominantly green. Median longitudinal strip, scutellum apex and body margins with yellow coloration. Dorsal surface rugulose. The lateral margins and colored bands throughout juga and pronotum green. Basal angles of scutellum with 1+1 yellow spots. Connexivum green and urosternites yellow. Black macula present only on the posterior portion of the urosternite. Head. Margins of juga with a slight concavity in front of eyes, apex of head large and semicircular. Proportion of antennal segments: I<II<III<IV≈V. The rostrum reaches the metacoxae. Proportion of rostral segments: I<II>III>IV. Thorax. Humeral angle obtuse. Anterolateral margins of pronotum with a submarginal dorsal depression. Is the unique species species in South America that has ostiolar peritreme not surpassing half length of the evaporatoria. Hemelytra with costal angles acute. Membranal suture of hemelytra strongly convex. Abdomen. Medial spine of third urosternite surpassing the metacoxae, but not reaching the mesocoxae. Spiracles brown surrounded by a yellow callus.

Distribution. Argentina (PBA, SF*), Uruguay.

Families of plants as possible hosts. Solanaceae (Pennington 1918, 1919, as Nezara abnormis; Schwertner & Grazia 2007).

Recorded in Santa Fe by Dellapé et al. (2015).