Chinavia nigropicta (Breddin)

Nezara nigropicta Breddin, 1906: 193–194.

Coloration. Predominantly green rusty, with tylus, cicatrices, and large subquadrate patch on each side of scutellum at base black. The lateral margins and colored bands of juga and pronotum are brown. First half of tibia red, the second half and tarsi are black. Connexivum and urosternite brown. Black macula absent. Head. Margins of juga with a slight concavity in front of eyes, apex of head large and semicircular. Proportion of antennal segments: I<II<III≈IV≈V. The rostrum reaches the metacoxae. Proportion of rostral segments: I≈II>III>IV. Thorax. Anterolateral margins of pronotum with a submarginal dorsal depression. Hemelytra with costal angles acute. Straight sutural membrane. Abdomen. Medial spine of the third urosternite reaches the metacoxae. Spiracles are brown.

Distribution. Brazil (AM).

Host plants. No information available.

Comments. According to Rolston (1983), it may be a color variation of C. geniculata. Known only by the female holotype.