Anxiety disorder

Anxiety can affect us all, at some point in our lives. It is natural and can be useful to motivate us in our daily lives and help avoid dangerous situations. Anxiety varies in severity from mild uneasiness to extreme terrifying panic attacks. It also can vary from moments in time to years of distress. 

Sometimes we change the word anxiety to 'worry' often using this to explain how we feel. 

For example: I am worried about my exam. I worry for my younger sister. I feel worried about the rising cost of living.

Feeling worried, sometimes, about situations or people in our life is natural. If we feel worried constantly, it might be worth talking to someone you trust; a friend, teacher, family member etc. 

ANXIETY DISORDERS can be caused or developed by environmental factors, medical factors, genetics, substance abuse. 



What is the 'fight, flight or freeze' response?

Like all animals, human beings have evolved ways to help us protect ourselves from danger. When we feel under threat our bodies react by releasing certain hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, which can be helpful. These hormones:

After we feel the threat has passed, our bodies release other hormones to help our muscles relax. This can sometimes cause us to shake.

This is commonly called the 'fight, flight or freeze' response – it's something that happens automatically in our bodies, and we have no control over it (Mind, 2022).


Slides from the lesson - see above.