Learning outcome: Understand effective communication.

As a health and social care practitioner, you will need to develop excellent communication skills - why?

Factors that can influence communication and interaction:

The main skills ALL health and social care practitioners should have: 

Active listening - this is the difference between hearing and listening. It also involves asking questions

Clarifying - this is checking understanding by repeating what you said, and getting them to repeat if necessary 

Proximity - position and how close we are sitting/ standing to someone. It also involves barriers.

Pace - think about whether you are talking too fast or too slow. Match your pace with the other person

Intonation - this is about pitch and tone of voice. For example ! can be a command or something nice

Language - using jargon/ medical terms/ slang that others might not understand

Body language - the non-verbal communication such as facial expressions and gestures

Cultural awareness - understanding and appreciating others' beliefs and values

Level 2 HSC Unit 4 - Communication

Gemma's lesson slides 19/02/24