This relates to the work we did for C3 - Outline significant life events across each life stage where we looked at weaning, leaving home, divorce, employment, bereavement, elderly care etc. 

Within A1, look at how these life events can IMPACT an individual emotionally, also include health, independence and other relationships. 


Life events can either have a negative or positive impact on an individual - for example, the death of a love one is a negative impact and a new job can be a positive impact. Similarly, events can also be subjective to each individual such as moving homes, it can be a positive or negative impact depending on the person and reasons for moving. 

Bowlby and Ainsworth identified three attachment styles that infants experience:

What emotions may be experienced by infants with nursery, weaning, toilet training?

What emotions may be experienced with school, new siblings, moving homes and school?

What emotions may be experienced with hormonal changes, leaving home and relationships?

What emotions may be experienced with employment, co-habitation, marriage, parenthood, divorce, bereavement, retirement and age related medical conditions. 

When attempting this task please make sure you think of negative and positive emotions. 


Includes physical and mental health - this impacts every aspect of our life. Genetic factors cannot be amended but we can attempt to be healthy. 

A secure emotional bond with primary care giver and supportive relationships with children, adolescents and adults - good mental health

What factors can impact our ability to do physical activity during adolescence and adulthood how may this impact our mental health in return?


First relationship ever experienced is between infant and primary caregiver. Bowlby suggested if babies do not have a secure bond with primary care giver in the first five years, they may struggle to form trusting relationships in the future. 

From 18 months onwards babies learn who to trust around them and this helps them gain confidence and independence. By the age of 5,  the child can use their initiative to form and build new relationships. 

Think about the impact of positive and negative impact of childhood relationships with family and friends.

What are the positive and negative impacts of adolescent relationships with family and friends especially?  Think about romantic relationship, heterosexual and homosexual relationships - can these be affected by cultural factors?

Adult relationships focus more on romantic relationships, colleagues, own children, grandchildren, old friends, community friends, family. 

Infancy, childhood and adolescence are periods of our life were we aim to increase physical, social and emotional independence. 

What independent activities do children learn? How does this impact them?

Early and middle adulthood has the maximum level of independence and financial independence is sought or achieved. How is this achieved and what is the impact?

Late adulthood may show lack of dependency because of conditions or age related issues - what can be the impact?

RESILIENCE - ability to recover quickly from difficulties. 

Is the ability to get back after facing difficulties - this includes physical resilience and emotional resilience. 

How can poor physical and emotional resilience in different life stages impact us overall?

How can someone with emotional and physically resilience have a better impact overall?

How can emotional resilience affect other emotional aspects such as confidence or self-esteem.