LO4: Understand how to support and promote mental health and well-being. 

DESCRIBE - give details.



Mental ill-health can negatively impact an individuals confidence. Not being able to cope with day to day life. This could present with extreme mood swings or panic attacks. All adding to the feeling of not being in control.


Other people might start to lose confidence in someone with mental ill-health. Showing signs of not being in control, second guessing themselves, or showing signs of having a panic attack, could result in people doubting their current capabilities. 



If someone has dependency issues , this could lead to substance -drug or alcohol dependency (unhealthy coping strategy). Which may add to feelings of inadequacy, letting other people down.


 Feeling low, lacking self esteem and confidence, can impact relationships.

Not wanting to engage in conversations, not wanting to put on a smile, could stop someone from greeting a friend. This could impact how a friend feels and they may take it personally and feel rejected.

This could lead to social isolation, adding feelings of loneliness.


Dependency can happen when internal or external factors occur and someone cannot manage without the help something or someone.

Drugs, alcohol and nicotine cause cravings which consume an individual. They may hide their addiction and make excuses for their addiction.

Addiction could lead to criminal behaviour, not having sufficient funds to buy the drugs or alcohol which may result in shoplifting or stealing money.

Losing contact with family members for various reasons.

Homelessness - begging for food and money to get the next fix.


Mental ill-health can make it hard to keep a job, which can cause money worries. 

Paying the mortgage or rent or risk losing their home. 

Feeling unable to meet requirements for additional support - benefits.


Struggling to hold on to their job, or find a job.

Some employers are understanding, adapting their job or finding something more suitable - whether temporary or permanently.

Employers may struggle if an employee is presenting with a mood disorder or addiction. Erratic or unpredictable  behaviour might prevent an employer from being flexible.

The Equality Act 2010 protects an individual from discrimination under one of the 9 protected characteristics.  Disability - mental or physical impairment, substantial or long term  adverse effects on an individuals day to day activities. 

Disability discrimination 


Environment can contribute to mental ill-health.

Anxiety disorders - crowded rooms or stores may increase the likelihood of an individual having a panic attack.

Someone with autism might struggle to work in an open plan office.

Restuarants and cafe's might be stressful for someone managing with an eating disorder. Simarly, a pub or bar can be upsetting for an individaul trying to battle with alcohol addiction.

Supermarkets may cause distress for someone struggling with social anxiety. 


Being alone.

Reasons for isolation vary - can be self-imposed, not wanting to socialise with family or friends due to feeling depressed. Friends and family can struggle with feelings of rejection and mood swings of their loved one.

Depressed, low mood, mood swings et cetera, may cause work colleagues to become intolerant - ignoring their behaviour and not including them.


It is illegal to treat someone differently because of their disability. (Equality Act 2010).

Campaign to end discrimination and raise awareness- MIND and Rethink Mental Health have joined forces on 'Time to change'. (Ended in 31st March 2021).