D1. Outline types of communication.

A minimum of two (2) types of communication must be outlined.

Learning outcome: Understand effective communication.

Introduction to Communication  

Good communication and interpersonal skills are essential as a health and social care  professional. Communication styles differ depending on the individuals involved within  the interaction. For example, as a health and social care practitioner, you may  communicate with a colleague in a different manner to that when speaking with a  patient or client’s family member.  

Additionally, as you will be working with a diverse range of individuals, it is to be  anticipated that you will face a number of barriers to communication such as English  as an additional language, hearing impairments and cognitive issues which impede  understanding during communication.  

What is effective communication?

Communication is when a message or information is passed on from one to another, through any means.  For communication to be effective, there is a process, which can be explained through an effective communication cycle.

What is verbal communication?

What is non-verbal communication?

Why is effective communication important in health and social care settings?


Think about three people that you have communicated with today. How did you behave when you interacted with each person, and how did this impact on communication?

Last week we looked at verbal and non-verbal types of communication. 

Activity - In pairs:

Research the following communication methods.

You can use google docs or paper - mind map, brain storm, gather information like detectives.