The way we provide care and support to a service user can be based on the foundation of a medical or a social approach.


The medical model has a scientific and 'medical' to approach to all health and wellbeing issues in which the body is viewed as a system. The primary focus is on the physical aspect of the disease. So, if someone says they do not feel well, the model will aim to look at all the physical symptoms and sign which are present. So they may check if your iron levels are low for example. Hospitals are primary users of this model but aim to incorporate social models of health where possible.

The social model has a holistic approach to the individual and looks at all the factors relevant to the individual, i.e. physical, social, emotional, cultural, economic and experiences. So, for example when someone says they feel unwell, it could mean they are feeling depressed as a result of not having a job, which is a financial factor. 

Individual Task!

I have provided you a short summary of what these two models incorporate, you are now required to research this much further. Create a presentation which outlines these two models - you must use health and social care examples. You are required to then research three advantages and three disadvantages for each of these models. 

Add images. Make it interesting. Include references. Back up your claims. PROOFREAD.

PEEL - Point - Evidence - Explain - Link

These are useful sites to support your research around the medical and social model.