What is a nutritional need?

During different life stages, we need different nutrients (from food and water) to maintain health and wellbeing.

No single food will give you ALL the nutrients that you need to stay healthy, therefore you need to have a balanced diet to ensure that you provide your body with all the nutrients and energy that it needs. 

We've discussed food a lot over the last weeks, but what about water?

Did you know?

The body is made up of around 70% water! Every cell and tissue contains water, and the function of this water is to:

How much fluid you need depends on many factors, but most people need around 1.5 - 2 litres of water a day, which is about 8 glasses. 

Where do we get fluid from?

70/80% of fluids from from water and:

The rest of fluids come from food

Some key terms in regards to water:


This is the supply of water needed to maintain the correct amount of fluid in your body. As discussed, you need around 8 glasses of water to stay hydrated. 


This is when your body does not have enough water, because you have lost more water than you have taken in. What impact do you think dehydration has on the body?

Water intoxication

This is when you have drank too much water. Water intoxication is very rare, but can cause:

The different life stages:


This is the period of 0-2 years of age


This is the period of 3-10 years of age


This is the period of 11-17 years of age

Early and middle adulthood

This is the period of 18 - 65 years of age

Late adulthood 

This is 65+ years of age


Time to do some research! I have assigned each team a different life stage, and I would like you to find out the nutritional needs for this stage:

*You have been given 20 minutes for this task, and after this, you will have to feedback to the rest of the group*

Individual task:

You are required to choose ONE life stage, and summarise the nutritional needs for this life stage.

B1 - Nutrition