LO3: Understand the impact of mental ill-health on individuals and others.


Mental health charities help raise awareness of mental ill-health.

Providing information and supporting individuals and their families.

This is done nationally (UK) and locally (where you live).

Support can be face-to-face, online or telephone. 


Most individuals will know someone who is or has suffered with a mental illness. 

Most individuals will struggle with their mental health at some point in their lifetime. 

Mental illness remains a stigma in many societies. 

The promotion of mental health awareness, acceptance and understaning is crucial. Celebrities who struggle or identify with mental ill-health help to raise awareness and it becomes a acceptable

Knowing that OTHERS are struggling with the similar difficulties can help individuals not to feel alone and isolated. 

Gov.uk - Mental health - our attitudes and awareness

STIGMA - mark of disgrace associated with a particular quality or characteristic such as having mental ill-health or disability.


Homelessness - can be a result of poor mental health. 

Streetlink- mentioned in the course text book - link below, allows the public to report concerns about anyone sleeping rough.  https://www.streetlink.org.uk/StreetLink_HomePage

Sheltered housing - can help individuals who are struggling with their mental health, integrate back into society.

Employment - adding security, purpose. Access to benefits, help filling out forms. 

Retraining, gaining qualifications after long term absence.

Self help - local support in the area.


Happens naturally when individuals understand.

Acceptance of other people's opinions and situations.

Campaigns help to raise awareness - Think back to C2 when you presented information on your chosen mental health campaign 

Ways to collect information

Example of one way to gather recordable responses to collate information for research - see below. This produces quantifiable results which means it is measurable.

Google forms

In groups: think of 5-10 questions you can ask friends, family and teachers, that will help highlight public opinion.

Asking questions and writing the replies is another way to gain information - this would be called qualitative and is descriptive (open to interpretation).

Today's Task - 08/01/2024

Level 2 HSC-B 09-B1