Infancy and Childhood


Is a period of high SOCIAL, PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL dependency on adults. Infancy is a very important stage which creates the foundation of a child's growth and development. In order to ensure effective growth and development, the infant must have a responsible care giver or adult to provide and support their needs. For example:

Physically - they will need support with feeding - breast feeding/ bottle milk/ weaning/ meals and snacks. Will need someone to dress them - keep them warm or cool depending on temperature. Cleaning, such as bathing, nappy changing, grooming i.e. nail and hair cutting. Administer medication when unwell - teething or constipation.

Emotionally - will need comforting in distress - teething pain, constipation, meeting someone new or separation anxiety. Help them understand their own emotions - such as anger, happiness, sadness or confusion.

Socially - The more we read to them, the more they develop! Communicating with an infant, even if its just babbling can really help their speech and learn languages. Form relationships between family members. If they go to groups such as baby massage groups or baby and toddler groups - create friendship bonds with others. 


There is an increase in independence compared to the previous stage. They can now do some things on their own such as get changed, brush their teeth and even start using the toilet and clean up. Although there may be some level of independence, they may still need support. For example, they are unable to identify what a healthy diet is and encouragement with learning to read and write. 


There is a 2 part series called Babies on Netflix which covers a wealth of information of growth and development in infants and some of childhood. I understand not everyone will have Netflix so, you could search the internet or YouTube to see if it is uploaded elsewhere? This series can be referenced in your assignments and will help you understand the emotional, physical, social and cognitive development in infants and their care needs and support.