Work within policies and procedures

If practitioners work within policies and procedures, they are working in line with what has been agreed with the organisation, so there is less chance that they are doing anything inappropriately/ incorrect. 

Duty of care

If practitioners follow their duty of care, they also safeguard themselves - in the event of an incident/ abuse, everyone will refer to previous actions taken. If the records reflect that the practitioner had noticed signs of harm, and did something about it, then they will not get penalised. 

Personal care

Think about the boundaries that come with personal care - you must respect the service user's rights such as right to dignity, right to independence, right to privacy etc

Physical contact

Again, think about boundaries, and what is appropriate during particular situations.  For example you might have to physically hold someone's hand to help them feed themselves. Or, if a service user receives some bad news, you might put your arm around them BUT only if the person is comfortable with this. 



Make sure ALL of patient info is confidential, but also be mindful that sometimes information has to be disclosed. Ensure that you tell the service user who/ why you are sharing information to. 

Record keeping

Practitioners need to ensure that they keep accurate and updated records - this can help in many situations, for example if a service user is abused, or if a practitioner is falsely accused 


Whistleblowing is important because, for example, if Courtney does not report it, but Poppy does, she might record it that Courtney observed this all but did nothing - Courtney could then lose her job for not following the policy. 

Also, if Nazmin is capable of abusing one service user, she is also capable of abusing other services users, as well as colleagues. Therefore it is important that Courtney/ Poppy whistle blow against her, to protect others and themselves