You made it!

Welcome to Level 2 Health and Social Care Year!

Within this year, you will complete 7 modules. Your lecturers Kerry and, will support you throughout these modules. In addition to these modules, you will be expected to complete 60 hours work experience over the year in 2 block weeks

This is your main course website and you will find all learning materials and useful links - so please bookmark me! 

The contact details of your lecturers and student advisors can be found below:



Course Outline

7 Modules:

Work Experience:

Throughout this year, you will be expected to complete a minimum of 60 hours work experience within a HSC setting. In order to attend work experience, you will need a clear DBS which the work experience team will process with you.


Block week 1:

Block week 2:

Steps to success

Over the next few weeks, we will be making sure you are on the right course. If we feel the course is not suitable we will discuss a different level or course. In order to establish this, we will be looking at:

These will be reviewed with you with your course coordinator during progress reviews. 

HSC IT Induction 2023
Lecturer info
HSC PDF student handbook.docx

Your GO TO handbook for the year...

This HSC book has been created to help you with structuring and completing assignments, referencing, calculating points and noting deadlines!

As a college student, you are expected to keep track of any deadlines and manage your workload effectively - this is an important skill for the future, whether it be employment or Higher Education (HE).

Referencing; (You will get it by the end of the year!)

Within your student handbook, the college referencing guide has been included. You must refer to this when completing your assignments. If you incorrectly reference, you could potentially fail the course.

Useful links:

Google Classroom

Course Textbook

College Library

Although the textbook chapter will be on the main page of each module page, you may still want to browse the e-library to access other books. To login to the e-library, you will need to use your student ID number (e.g. NP20/211805) and the password will either be your home postcode and !! / the college postcode (PE91XA!!) in CAPS LOCK. For example:

Username: NP20/211805

Password: PE91XA!!

Your timetable for the academic year...

IMPORTANT - Below are the timetables for the academic year, please do not come and ask us to change your groups as we are unable to do so. You will notice that you are not expected to be in college 5 days a week, however, this is a full time course which you have signed up for thus, this course should be your priority and you should be available to come into college on days off if we ask you to come in (these timetables will also be uploaded on google classroom). Time table to be confirmed.

PLEASE NOTE  - You may have noticed that your timetable says progress reviews, these are 15 minute, one to one, meetings with your course coordinator - you will have approximately 3/4 (including a steps to success meeting after the first 6 weeks) of these throughout the year and will be on a rota which can be found on the main home page 

Tik Tok Tour -2023.pdf
Code of Conduct 2020.pdf

And finally, please complete this form so we can identify that you are confident in using the main application used within your course. If you are still unsure / struggling with anything please let us know so we can help you :)