To save humanity

To save humanity

Becoming active to save the world as a 60+ guy is preposterous, but what do we have to loose?

The people in this world and nations that speak for them are dragging their feet to accept that fundamental change is required to avoid disasters looming. Facing the facts that we already have changed to conditions on our planet beyond repair to avoid a long term sea level rise of, in my opinion, at least 11 meters, is hard.

We let ourselves be fooled too easily by media manipulated by corporations to understate the dangers of climate change. We selfishly cherish the thought that the deluge will last our time and forget our grandchildren. We listen to religious leaders who hope for disasters as that will bring flocks of people to their altars.

Still awareness that something is at hand is rising, aided by the fact that, indeed, extreme weather conditions seem to occur at an alarmingly increasing rate. What people do not realize that our planet has large buffers to store and hide the effects of climate change. Now these buffers are nearly filled and the effects of what we have done will increase visibly.

Thinking as a single individual who wants to speed humanities actions to survive I can come up with these issues that need to be addressed:

    • Make it immoral and possibly illegal for institutions to influence media to bias their message; either through bribing or through threats. Especially in the USA media are vulnerable. As a standard opposing opinions are presented as equally valid, while in fact one side is a minority standpoint, often based on lies that are not exposed.

    • Encourage scientists to more openly express their opinion on potential effects of climate change, even though a complete and thorough proof may not yet be available. In the past science has been hammered for stating opinions not based on 100% proof. This is foolish and has made scientists wary to come forward with valid concerns about our future.

    • Call for action to address the root cause of our effect on our planet: overpopulation. It is not a god given duty to produce as many offspring as possible, nor is it any more a guarantee for care at old age.

    • Support wholeheartedly initiatives to bring CO2 emissions to zero. There are many good ideas that are worth our support.

    • Elect leaders who are willing to lead to save our world.

What can we gain? Avoid maybe massive conflict. Continuance of science's miraculous progress in understanding the universe we live in. We are at the verge of fundamentally understanding our world, both in the very large and in the very small. These are exciting times to live in. Would it not be eternally shameful if all this knowledge is lost in a global conflict eliminating much of our human culture? Or, in the end, just peace and happiness for our grandchildren.