New Zealand 2015

New Zealand 2015

14 January 2015, Christchurch

It is shocking to see the centre of a big city destroyed. Christchurch had a bustling city center in 2010 when we passed through there. Now a very large part of its core is still in shambles. Strange also as outside of its center not much destruction is visible any more.

We arrived in New Zealand after a disaster with our Australian visas which made us loose our tickets to Perth. New Zealand got our preference and only after arriving in Auckland Julie received two visas for Australia. A programming error that has been part of the Australian visa system since 2010! I would say that is a bit of arrogance.

New Zealand people are a pleasant reacquantance with their easy way of living and no frills approach to life. We easily fit in after buying a 1993 campervan with non-functioning locks and a airco that produces a shrieking noise as soon as you engage it. The car drives fine. With it we hope to save to money spend by camping wild (or freedom camping as it is known locally), risking a fine when caught and sometimes having to revert to a hostel to get a shower or wash our clothes.

Our Toyota Camper

Today was such an occasion, caused by un uncontrollable outbreak of itching from sandflies and a rat (later to be found probably a mouse) having a party on our breakfast bread. The sandflies were a gift from a friendly sheep farmer who showed us the wool shed where we spend a lovely night, the rat obviously found our camper much more comfortable than the high altitude of Mc Arthurs pass where we spend last night, unable to sleep from itching and crunching sound below our beds. Also the sand-flies seem to have done very well since the last time we met. They really love us! Welcome to adventurous New Zealand!

Sunrise over Cathedral Cove, Coromandel


The track of a new species 'homo surfeniensis'

Nice reunion with Pim and Joanne in their home in Papamoa

A Weka

A Kea

Williwaws near Wellington.

Our plans include at least a further months of these surprises, we hope more pleasant.

20 January 2015, Glenorchy, near Queenstown

The past two days the forecast predicted 1500 mm (!!) rain in the Milford Sound. We only experienced some rain and windgusts on Mount Cook that blew the eggs out of the frying pan. We decided to wait for the sounds untill this depression has passed. A shower this morning was very welcome after four days camping wild, we cannot imagine how people felt in the middle ages that did not wash themselves for months.

Mueller lake at Mount Cook

Hooker lake with williwaws

Evening light on Mount Cook

This must be about the first outboard engine.

Morning light.