Australia 2015

February 2015

We visited Sydney, Katoomba, Hobart and Perth like Asian tourists. Flying from place to place and staying only for a couple of days in each place.

We refused to take selfies though...

Here some iconic photos taken from Sydney harbour bridge at night.

Cockatoo island is a museum 'in the future'. For now volunteers and some professionals are meticulously restoring old machines from pieces of rusted scrap into working order.

Cockatoo island started off as a prison island..

Next stop: Katoomba in the Blue Mountains. If you get a bit away from the busy tourist sites, it is beautiful, and dangerous (many people get lost in the wilderness each year). I got three nasty bites from a 'deadly' Sydney funnel web spider, still painful after 10 days.

Hobart in Tasmania has still stolen my heart. A view from mount Wellington

The south tip of Tasmania, no polution. Cleaning of beaches is not needed.

AT the MONA museum (Museum of old and modern art) we saw this humongous cock.

Perth is wealthy, has many new and old building side by side and well restored.

"Harry Potter lane" in Perth

We stayed with Greg and Sue, wonderful sailing friends. May they have many years of happy sailing in the Pac

Strombolites with wonderful blue swallows.

Can you guess what this is?

Not much to tell apart from the Photo's. Australia is not equal to Tony Abbot.

Greetings to you all.