
Reunion, 2 September 2015

Our German sailing friends on board Galatea have arranged for us to stay in St Pierre. We are lucky as this place is nicer then the more expensive 'le Port'. We occupy the last free spot in the marina, built to withstand some hurricanes and with a narrow entrance that frequently features breaking waves on both sides, a cross current of four knots and a mandatory 30 degree course change just at entering. an exiting place to visit!

Anna-Marie and Ernst (from Galatea) invited us to join a walk into the mountainous inland where a huge crater has formed many years ago. We access the 12 km wide 'Cirque de Ciloal' by bus through a windy road and a very steep ravine. Inside small villages hold on to the few flat places called ilots. In old times these people sought solitude in isolation and fertile agriculture land. Nowadays a paradise for French hikers passing along the 'Grandes Randonnees' for 4-12 days walking. We are happy with a 4 hour hike along the steep ranges, waterfalls and fabulous views. Adoring little birds share our lunch at a brook.

Reunion's volcano rises 3070 m high, almost everyone of its 800.000 inhabitants live on the gentle outward slopes. The central part has three big craters and the active volcano has moved to the south point of the island. Fresh lavaflows into the sea have destroyed the round the island road at that side. Being a French 'Terriotoire Outer Mer' the roads and bus system is in better shape than in France itself. For 2 Euro per person you can have a three hour bus ride that will take you almost anywhere on the island.

We have about two months to stay on Reunion and are planning a four day hike over the highest peak, make new curtains for Stamper as the old ones have completely faded. The small lagoon just on the side of the marina has some very colourful reeffish and just outside the reef we are warned of aggressive bull sharks. Only the kite surfers dare to go there. Everyday from 10:00 in the morning until 10:00 at night the seabreeze picks up to about 20 knots (force 5-6 beaufort). We are enjoying a relaxing time with the luxury of French food available. Do not pity us.