
Third Degree Disciple of the Arcana of Fate and Life, Minuteman in the Free Council

Background: This Binary comes from a different world. In this world the Lorehouse was destroyed in 2003, and she helped lead the fight against the Seers. Her cabal, the Winds of Chance (with Vespa, Gibson, Hypatia, and Yori) led to the demise of 2 pylons and the destruction of a Seer conspiracy to eliminate the Ninth Circle. She has been more right than wrong in the fight against the Seers of the Throne. She was also one of the few who knew that their reality ended. She escaped but was exiled from Chicago.

Description: A skinny dark haired girl in jeans and a cheap leather jacket. A pack with her dedicated tool, a MacBook hangs from her shoulder. The side pouch has a submachine gun.

Path: Acanthus Order: Free Council

Arcana : Fate 3, Life 3, Time 3

Legacy: Blank Badges