Hope Ann Smith

Background: Hope was a senior in high school, a member of the track team, and had a bright future ahead of her. Then she was killed by cultists serving the mysterious agenda of a woman known as Anna. She was tethered to Adele and a knife that was used to kill her.

Her normally lively personality decayed as a ghost, but Adele kept that at bay with magic while trying to resolve what kept her friend bound to the Earth.

With Adele's help she recruited a team of ghosts to deal with her murderer. Together she scared Anna into confessing and resolved her anchor of the knife. Once Adele convinced her that she no longer needed to help the young mage, she moved on.

After the Rewrite: With Anna's change, Hope is still alive.

Description: An athletic blond haired woman in her late teens, she looks much like she was when she was alive. Only the jagged puncture marks on her back slowly ozzing blood reveal the violence of her death.