Pedro Domingos

computer smart world stupid

“People worry that computers will get too smart and take over the world, but the real problem is that they're too stupid and they've already taken over the world.”

― Pedro Domingos

bias learner wrong

“Bias is a learner’s tendency to consistently learn the same wrong thing.”

― Pedro Domingos

learner path blindness hallucination

“A good learner is forever walking the narrow path between blindness and hallucination.”

― Pedro Domingos

belief experience incomplete picture world false conclusion

“Our beliefs are based on our experience, which gives us a very incomplete picture of the world, and it's easy to jump to false conclusions.”

― Pedro Domingos

machine learning lazy computer scientist credit

“If you’re a lazy and not-too-bright computer scientist, machine learning is the ideal occupation, because learning algorithms do all the work but let you take all the credit.”

― Pedro Domingos

God genesis programmer words worlds

“You could even say that the God of Genesis himself is a programmer: language, not manipulation, is his tool of creation. Words become worlds.”

― Pedro Domingos

data mining torture confess

“data mining means 'torturing the data until it confesses'.”

― Pedro Domingos

computer number logic

“People often think computers are all about numbers, but they’re not. Computers are all about logic.”

― Pedro Domingos

listen customer HIPPO highest paid persons opinion salary

“Listen to your customers, not to the HiPPO,” HiPPO being short for “highest paid person’s opinion.”

― Pedro Domingos

learning forget detail remember important

“Learning is forgetting the details as much as it is remembering the important parts.”

― Pedro Domingos

man machine data intuition horse rider outrun ride

“It's not man versus machine; it's man with machine versus man without. Data and intuition are like horse and rider, and you don't try to outrun a horse; you ride it.”

― Pedro Domingos

common sense mom computer

“Common sense is important not just because your mom taught you so, but because computers don’t have it.”

― Pedro Domingos

homo sapiens adapt world

“Homo sapiens is the species that adapts the world to itself instead of adapting itself to the world.”

― Pedro Domingos

machine learning tribe master algorithm

“Each of the five tribes of machine learning has its own master algorithm,

a general-purpose learner that you can in principle use to discover knowledge from data in any domain.

The symbolists’ master algorithm is inverse deduction,

the connectionists’ is backpropagation,

the evolutionaries’ is genetic programming, the Bayesians’ is Bayesian inference, and

the analogizers’ is the support vector machine.”

― Pedro Domingos

learner blind men elephant

“Machine learners, like all scientists, resemble the blind men and the elephant: one feels the trunk and thinks it’s a snake, another leans against the leg and thinks it’s a tree, yet another touches the tusk and thinks it’s a bull. Our aim is to touch each part without jumping to conclusions; and once we’ve touched all of them, we will try to picture the whole elephant.”

― Pedro Domingos