Guy Standing

people skills economic better inequality

“Why should people with particular skills – always accepting they are skills – live a vastly better economic life than others who have different skills?”

― Guy Standing

freedom mistakes learn control life success

“Without the freedom to make ‘mistakes’, people cannot learn to take control of their lives successfully.”

― Guy Standing

paternalism income state assistance minority denied democracy

“Selective paternalism, for those on low incomes or for other groups needing state assistance, is perhaps even worse than general paternalism, since the minority are denied the opportunity to overturn the rule democratically.”

― Guy Standing

globalisation crony capitalism politician public wealth private

“Naomi Klein among others has called the globalisation era ‘crony capitalism’, revealing itself not as a huge ‘free market’ but as a system in which politicians hand over public wealth to private players in exchange for political support.”

― Guy Standing

security precious asset society privilege BIG

“Security is a precious asset. It should be a goal of everyone who genuinely wants to build a good society rather than one that facilitates the aggrandizement of a privileged elite who knowingly gain from the insecurities of others. Wanting others to have what you want takes courage. That is what basic income is about.”

― Guy Standing