Archibald Low

telephone call-box car railway home

"The telephone may develop to a stage where it is unnecessary to enter a special call-box. We shall think no more of telephoning to our office from our cars or railway-carriages than we do today of telephoning from our homes (1937).”

— Archibald Low (1888-1956)

space-ship station rocket broadcast

“The second stage in the development of space-ships could be the launching of what have been called 'space-platforms'...The rocket or space-station will travel round the earth in twenty four hours at most. The value of such stations might be very great; they might enable world-wide television broadcasts to be made; they would transmit data about cosmic rays; or solar radiation; and they might have incalculable military value (1950).”

— Archibald Low (1888-1956)

invention develop team genius committee

“No team ever invents anything, they only develop one man's flash of genius.”

— Archibald Low (1888-1956)

greaest discovery ignorance

“I always say that the greatest discovery is that we know practically nothing about anything."

— Archibald Low (1888-1956)