Ivan Wallin

cell bacteria mitochondria symbionticism

"Their universal presence in the cell, coupled with the known properties of bacteria, appear to indicate that mitochondria represent the end adjustment of a fundamental biologic process. The establishment of intimate microsymbiotic complexes has been designated "symbionticism" by the author…."

— Ivan Wallin (1883-1969)

bacteria disease cause origin of species

"It is a rather startling proposal that bacteria, the organisms which are popularly associated with the disease, may represent the fundamental causative factor in the origins of species."

— Ivan Wallin (1883-1969)

natural selection evolution creative organic

Natural Selection, by itself, is not sufficient to determine the direction of organic evolution.... Natural Selection can only deal with that which has been formed; it has no creative powers. Any directing influence that Natural Selection may have in organic evolution, must, in the nature of the process, be secondary to some other unknown factor.

— Ivan Wallin (1883-1969)

symbionticism cardinal principle origin of species

Symbionticism, then is proposed as the fundamental factor or the cardinal principle involved in the origin of species.

— Ivan Wallin (1883-1969)