Konrad Lorenz 

philosopher know less more nothing everything scientist

“Philosophers are people who know less and less about more and more, until they know nothing about everything. Scientists are people who know more and more about less and less, until they know everything about nothing.”

—Konrad Lorenz (1889-1964)

faith broken faithful dog

“There is no faith which has never yet been broken, except that of a truly faithful dog”

—Konrad Lorenz (1889-1964)

missing link ape civilized man we

“I have found the missing link between the higher ape and civilized man: It is we.”

—Konrad Lorenz (1889-1964)

barking dog bite laughing men shoot

“Barking dogs occasionally bite, but laughing men hardly ever shoot.”

—Konrad Lorenz (1889-1964)

human soul older mind

“The human soul is very much older than the human mind.”

—Konrad Lorenz (1889-1964)

missing link animal human

“The missing link between animals and the real human being is most likely ourselves.”

—Konrad Lorenz (1889-1964)

danger terror cause undersand

“Every danger loses some of its terror once its causes are understood.”

—Konrad Lorenz (1889-1964)

science truth universal discover human mind made art

“Scientific truth is universal, because it is only discovered by the human brain and not made by it, as art is.”

—Konrad Lorenz (1889-1964)

people forgeot life creature nature kill live

"Most people have forgotten how to live with living creatures, with living systems and that, in turn, is the reason why man, whenever he comes into contact with nature, threatens to kill the natural system in which and from which he live."

—Konrad Lorenz (1889-1964)

humor knowledge hope culture

"Humor and knowledge are the two great hopes of our culture."

—Konrad Lorenz (1889-1964)

exercise scientist discard pet hypothesis breakfast

"It is a good morning exercise for a research scientist to discard a pet hypothesis every day before breakfast. It keeps him young."

—Konrad Lorenz (1889-1964)

advantage science human suffering destruction

"All the advantages that man has gained from his ever-deepening understanding of the natural world that surrounds him, his technological, chemical and medical progress, all of which should seem to alleviate human suffering... tends instead to favor humanity's destruction."

—Konrad Lorenz (1889-1964)

human mind technocracy adversary life human soul

"The human mind, in taking us down the path of technocracy, has become the adversary of life itself and collaterally the adversary of the human soul."

—Konrad Lorenz (1889-1964)

truth science hypothesis

"Truth in science can be defined as the working hypothesis best suited to open the way to the next better one."

—Konrad Lorenz (1889-1964)