Frederic Laloux

growth medical cancer

“We have reached a stage where we often pursue growth for growth’s sake, a condition that in medical terminology would simply be called cancer.”

― Frederic Laloux

breakthrough 21 century technology human

“The most exciting breakthroughs of the twenty-first century will not occur because of technology, but because of an expanding concept of what it means to be human. John Naisbitt”

― Frederic Laloux

forest master tree planecosystem

“In a forest, there is no master tree that plans and dictates change when rain fails to fall or when the spring comes early. The whole ecosystem reacts creatively, in the moment.”

― Frederic Laloux

extraordinary happen work people

“Extraordinary things begin to happen when we dare to bring all of who we are to work.”

― Frederic Laloux

trust responsibility peer regulate hierarchy

“When trust is extended, it breeds responsibility in return. Emulation and peer pressure regulates the system better than hierarchy ever could.”

― Frederic Laloux

powerful meaningful cooperate belief system

“Could we invent a more powerful, more soulful, more meaningful way to work together, if only we change our belief system?”

― Frederic Laloux

organization evolve leadership development

“an organization cannot evolve beyond its leadership’s stage of development.”

― Frederic Laloux

profit air live breathe

“profit is like the air we breathe. We need air to live, but we don’t live to breathe.”

― Frederic Laloux

human problem solve potential unfold

“as human beings, we are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

― Frederic Laloux

think farmr look ahead plan day

“think like farmers: look 20 years ahead, and plan only for the next day.”

― Frederic Laloux

create workplace school hospital business talent blossom calling

“Can we create soulful workplaces—schools, hospitals, businesses, and nonprofits—where our talents can blossom and our callings can be honored?”

― Frederic Laloux

self-organize world create billion year

“Self-organization is not a startling new feature of the world. It is the way the world has created itself for billions of years.”

― Frederic Laloux

hierarchy control system machine fear distrust

“Traditional hierarchies and their plethora of built-in control systems are, at their core, formidable machines that breed fear and distrust.”

― Frederic Laloux

job title honeypot allure addictive unhealthy

“job titles are like honeypots to the ego: alluring and addictive, but ultimately unhealthy.”

― Frederic Laloux

machine metaphor organization lifeless soulless

“the metaphor of the machine indicates that these organizations, however much they brim with activity, can still feel lifeless and soulless.”

― Frederic Laloux

surprise people resist moved around

“Not surprisingly, people resist being moved around.”

― Frederic Laloux