Todd Rose

hardest learning new old idea

“The hardest part of learning something new is not embracing new ideas, but letting go of old ones.”

― Todd Rose

cradle grave measure average

“From the cradle to the grave, you are measured against the ever-present yardstick of the average, judged according to how closely you approximate it or how far you are able to exceed it.”

― Todd Rose

fail calm adversity learn mistakes success

“Failing well—that is, staying calm through adversity and recognizing what can be learned from mistakes—is a foundation of success in a variety of fields.”

― Todd Rose

education batch process average sort talent

"Historically, education has been about batch processing: standardize everything against the average, rank kids, sort them to see who gets more and who really doesn't deserve to be there. The problem, even if you're just being selfish from an economic standpoint, is we're not producing the talent we need."

― Todd Rose

develop people process

"We need to develop people rather than process them."

― Todd Rose

average large medium small wedding gown fghter pilot bespoke

"The Age of Average gave us a lot. Take clothing: We've all benefited remarkably from large, medium and small sizes making things affordable and available, but when it really counts - the wedding gown and the pressurized fighter pilot suit - it's bespoke all the way."

― Todd Rose