Diogenes Laertius

original thought worth thousand mindless quote

“One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings.”

― Diogenes Laertius (3rd cn.)

time valuable

“Time is the most valuable thing that a man can spend.”

― Diogenes Laertius (3rd cn.)

two ears one tongue hear speak

“We have two ears and only one tongue in order that we may hear more and speak less.”

― Diogenes Laertius (3rd cn.)

man intelligent animal silly

“Man is the most intelligent of animals ― and the most silly.”

― Diogenes Laertius (3rd cn.)

whip tacher student misbehave

“Why not whip the teacher when the student misbehaves?”

― Diogenes Laertius (3rd cn.)

ignorance men multitude words

"Ignorance plays the chief part among men, and the multitude of words."

― Diogenes Laertius (3rd cn.)

written law unwritten constitution city customs

"There is a written and an unwritten law. The one by which we regulate our constitutions in our cities is the written law; that which arises from customs is the unwritten law."

― Diogenes Laertius (3rd cn.)

time image eternity

"Time is the image of eternity."

― Diogenes Laertius (3rd cn.)

Thales difficult know oneself easy advice another

"When Thales was asked what was difficult, he said, To know one's self. And what was easy, To advise another."

― Diogenes Laertius (3rd cn.)