Bitcoin and Blockchain

blockchain fridge

"On the blockchain, nobody knows you're a fridge."

— Richard Gendal Brown

person bitcoin important development

“Every informed person needs to know about Bitcoin because it might be one of the world’s most important developments.”

— Leon Luow

bitcoin stop world government

“You can’t stop things like Bitcoin. It will be everywhere and the world will have to readjust. World governments will have to readjust”

— John McAfee

faith money mathematics free politics error

“We have elected to put our money and faith in a mathematical framework that is free of politics and human error.”

— Tyler Winklevoss

era currency commodity politics mathematics

“There are 3 eras of currency: Commodity based, politically based, and now, math based.”

— Chris Dixon

bitcoin political free uncensored

“Bitcoin was created to serve a highly political intent, a free and uncensored network where all can participate with equal access.”

— Amir Taaki

bitcoin banks email post

“Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry”

— Rick Falkvinge

cryptocurrency powerful overturn government

“Cryptocurrency is such a powerful concept that it can almost overturn governments”

— Charles Lee

bitcoin beginning great currency government

“Bitcoin is the beginning of something great: a currency without a government, something necessary and imperative.”

—Nassim Taleb

bitcoin TCP/IP money

“Bitcoin may be the TCP/IP of money.”

—Paul Buchheit

bitcoin tour force

“[Bitcoin] is a techno tour de force.”

— Bill Gates

bitcoin smart currency designed bank fee lawyer

“At its core, bitcoin is a smart currency, designed by very forward-thinking engineers. It eliminates the need for banks, gets rid of credit card fees, currency exchange fees, money transfer fees, and reduces the need for lawyers in transitions… all good things”

— Peter Diamandis

bitcoin balance incentive assange

“Bitcoin actually has the balance and incentives right, and that is why it is starting to take off”

— Julian Assange

taleb - bitcoin currency government

“Bitcoin is the beginning of something great: a currency without a government, something necessary and imperative.”

—Nassim Taleb

destroy capitalist currence

"The best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency"

― Vladimir Ilich Lenin (1870-1924)

distributed ledger database consensus share

"Distributed ledgers – or decentralised databases – are systems that enable parties who don’t fully trust each other to form and maintain consensus about the existence, status and evolution of a set of shared facts”

— Richard Gendal Brown

blockchain threat opportunity business

"Every CEO wants to know about blockchain because it is an opportunity and a threat to their business, simultaneously"

—Jerry Cuomo

saifedean ammous bitcoin grief five stages denial anger bargain

The Five Stages of Dealing with Bitcoin Grief:

1) Denial: "Bitcoin can't work and will die"

2) Anger: "Ok, Bitcoin works, but government should ban Bitcoin"

3) Bargaining: "Ok, government can't ban Bitcoin, but it's not important. What's interesting is blockchain, the technology behind Bitcoin"

4) Depression: "All blockchains other than Bitcoin will fail"

5) Acceptance: "Bitcoin is gunpowder, the later you adopt it, the worse off you will be"

—Saifedean Ammous

taleb - bitcoin idea cryptocurrency authoritycrowd

“Which is why Bitcoin is an excellent idea. It fulfills the needs of the complex system, not because it is a cryptocurrency, but precisely because it has no owner, no authority that can decide on its fate. It is owned by the crowd, its users. And it has now a track record of several years, enough for it to be an animal in its own right.”

—Nassim Nicolas Taleb

Bitcoin idea CPU power honest participants attacker

"Bitcoin seems to be a very promising idea. I like the idea of basing security on the assumption that the CPU power of honest participants outweighs that of the attacker. It is a very modern notion that exploits the power of the long tail."

— Hal Finney (1956-2014)

Bitcoin reserve currency banks gold efficient tansactions

“I see Bitcoin as ultimately becoming a reserve currency for banks, playing much the same role as gold did in the early days of banking. Banks could issue digital cash with greater anonymity and lighter weight, more efficient transactions.”

— Hal Finney (1956-2014)

bitcoin computational power network resistant attack expensive

“The computational power of the network is proportional to difficulty; and it appears that difficulty is proportional to bitcoin price. It follows that unless bitcoins become substantially more valuable than they are today, the Bitcoin network will never be substantially more resistant to attack than it is today. For Bitcoin to succeed and become secure, bitcoins must become vastly more expensive.”

— Hal Finney (1956-2014)

Vitalik Buterin - technology automate worker blockchain center

“ Whereas most technologies tend to automate workers on the periphery doing menial tasks, blockchains automate away the center."

— Vitalik Buterin