HG Wells

human history race education catastrophe

"Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe."

—HG Wells (1866-1946)

war end

“If we don't end war, war will end us.”

—HG Wells (1866-1946)

way reason unfortunate fate

“Losing your way on a journey is unfortunate. But, losing your reason for the journey is a fate more cruel.”

—HG Wells (1866-1946)

matters have

“What really matters is what you do with what you have.”

—HG Wells (1866-1946)

university lecture bachelor master doctor lifelong learning

"We are living in 1937, and our universities, I suggest, are not half-way out of the fifteenth century. We have made hardly any changes in our conception of university organization, education, graduation, for a century - for several centuries.

The three or four years course of lectures, the bachelor who knows some, the master who knows most, the doctor who knows all, are ideas that have come down unimpaired from the Middle Ages.

Nowadays no one should end his learning while he lives and these university degrees are preposterous. It is true that we have multiplied universities greatly in the past hundred years, but we seem to have multiplied them altogether too much upon the old pattern.”

—HG Wells (1866-1946)

dictator oligarcic parties class rule world intelligence

“We do not want dictators, we do not want oligarchic parties or class rule, we want widespread world intelligence conscious of itself”

—HG Wells (1866-1946)