Ernest Shackleton

"Men Wanted for Dangerous Expedition: Low Wages for Long Hours of Arduous Labour under Brutal Conditions; Months of Continual Darkness and Extreme Cold; Great Risk to Life and Limb from Disease, Accidents and Other Hazards; Small Chance of Fame in Case of Success."

— Ernest Shackleton (1874-1922)

"Difficulties are just things to overcome after all."

— Ernest Shackleton (1874-1922)

"If you're a leader, a fellow that other fellows look to, you've got to keep going."

— Ernest Shackleton (1874-1922)

"Life to me is the greatest of all games. The danger lies in treating it as a trivial game, a game to be taken lightly, and a game in which the rules don't matter much. The rules matter a great deal. The game has to be played fairly or it is no game at all. And even to win the game is not the chief end. The chief end is to win it honorably and splendidly."

— Ernest Shackleton (1874-1922)

"When things are easy, I hate it."

— Ernest Shackleton (1874-1922)

"Teachers should be very careful not to spoil their pupils' taste for poetry for all time by making it a task and an imposition."

— Ernest Shackleton (1874-1922)

“If I had not some strength of will I would make a first class drunkard.”

— Ernest Shackleton (1874-1922)