Howard Rheingold

attention literacy intention crap detection skepticism

“If the rule of thumb for attention literacy is to pay attention to your intention, then the heuristic for crap detection is to make skepticism your default.”

― Howard Rheingold

market capitalism cooperative firm bookkeeping

"Markets are as old as the crossroads. But capitalism, as we know it, is only a few hundred years old, enabled by cooperative arrangements and technologies, such as the joint-stock ownership company, shared liability insurance, double-entry bookkeeping."

― Howard Rheingold

human communicate cooperate

"Humans are humans because we are able to communicate with each other and to organize to do things together that we can't do individually."

― Howard Rheingold

democracy vote citizen understand

"Democracy is not just voting for your leaders; it's really premised upon ordinary citizens understanding the issues."

― Howard Rheingold

attention limited resource

"Attention is a limited resource, so pay attention to where you pay attention."

― Howard Rheingold

spying surveillance object

"We are moving rapidly into a world in which the spying machinery is built into every object we encounter."

― Howard Rheingold

openness participation antidote surveillance control

"Openness and participation are antidotes to surveillance and control."

― Howard Rheingold

PC personal computer teenager garage

"Personal computers were created by some teenagers in garages because the wisdom of the computer industry was that people didn't want these little toys on their desk."

― Howard Rheingold