Massimo Pigliucci

theory explain falsification

“If a theory purports to explain everything, then it is likely not explaining much at all.”

― Massimo Pigliucci

science progress truth knowledge

“The nature of science is not that of a steady, linear progression toward the Truth, but rather a tortuous road, often characterized by dead ends and U-turns, and yet ultimately inching toward a better, if tentative, understanding of the natural world.”

― Massimo Pigliucci

post modernist meaning linguistic game

“Following the Post Modernist route, we may indeed never arrive at meaning, but not because meaning is not there... only because we are lost in endless linguistic games that are entirely beside the point.”

― Massimo Pigliucci

stoicism focus attention

“One of the first lessons from Stoicism, then, is to focus our attention and efforts where we have the most power and then let the universe run as it will. This will save us both a lot of energy and a lot of worry.”

― Massimo Pigliucci

science ideology progress

“Science progresses. Ideology tends to linger unchanged, and often unquestioned.”

― Massimo Pigliucci

education educated knowledge progress

“We are not becoming more educated; we are simply acquiring more knowledge. There is a fundamental difference between the two.”

― Massimo Pigliucci

expert fact opposite

“For every expert there is an equal and opposite expert; but for every fact there is not necessarily an equal and opposite fact. —Thomas Sowell, American economist”

― Massimo Pigliucci

nonsense authority Ph.D. university professor

“having a Ph.D. and working in a university is neither necessary nor certainly sufficient to provide one with unquestionable authority, no matter what the subject.”

― Massimo Pigliucci