Ronald Ross

"The World requires at least ten years to understand a new idea, however important or simple it may be."

— Ronald Ross (1857-1932)

"Science is the Differential Calculus of the mind. Art the Integral Calculus; they may be beautiful when apart, but are greatest only when combined."

— Ronald Ross (1857-1932)

"The belief is growing on me that the disease is communicated by the bite of the mosquito. ... She always injects a small quantity of fluid with her bite-what if the parasites get into the system in this manner."

— Ronald Ross (1857-1932)

"This day relenting God

Hath placed within my hand

A wondrous thing; and God

Be praised. At His command,

Seeking His secret deeds

With tears and toiling breath,

I find thy cunning seeds,

O million-murdering Death.

I know this little thing

A myriad men will save.

O Death, where is thy sting?

Thy victory, O Grave?"

Poem he wrote following the discovery that the malaria parasite was carried by the amopheline mosquito.

— Ronald Ross (1857-1932)

"The student of biology is often struck with the feeling that historians, when dealing with the rise and fall of nations, do not generally view the phenomena from a sufficiently high biological standpoint. To me, at least, they seem to attach too much importance to individual rulers and soldiers, and to particular wars, policies, religions, and customs; while at the same time they make little attempt to extract the fundamental causes of national success or failure."

— Ronald Ross (1857-1932)

"I have failed in finding parasites in mosquitoes fed on malaria patients, but perhaps I am not using the proper kind of mosquito.

Ronald Ross"

— Ronald Ross (1857-1932)

"Active management is little more than a gigantic con game."

— Ronald Ross (1857-1932)

"Wall Street's favorite scam is pretending that luck is skill."

— Ronald Ross (1857-1932)

"The Panama Canal was dug with a microscope."

— Ronald Ross (1857-1932)

"The belief is growing on me that the disease is communicated by the bite of the mosquito... She always injects a small quantity of fluid with her bite - what if the parasites get into the system in this manner."

— Ronald Ross (1857-1932)